Streamline the assignment of costs to consumers
- in the most obvious way.

Why is something that has been so hard suddenly so easy?
When configured correctly, Source-to-Pay enables 90% of it!

IT Billing

Transparent IT Spend

Leverage OOTB functionality to assign the cost of IT to the consumers of IT. This approach provides clear visibility into where IT funds are spent, enabling CFOs and CIOs to explain and justify IT expenditures to stakeholders. By making costs transparent, there's enhanced accountability and financial clarity, ensuring that every dollar spent on IT is accounted for and rationalized.

Efficient IT Billing

Automate IT billing workflows with ServiceNow and eliminate the manual effort and errors typically associated with traditional billing processes. By streamlining billing, companies can achieve accurate and timely invoicing, reducing administrative overhead, and freeing up resources to focus on more strategic tasks, leading to greater efficiency and reliability in financial operations.

Flexible and Defensible Fees

Teams maintain a comprehensive, connected IT financial lifecycle that enables accurate allocation of IT costs to departments or business units, supporting a variety of billing/chargeback requirements. This results in greater confidence in the financial management process making it more adaptable to the organization’s needs. As a result, IT leadership can defend current and future IT budgets.

Implementing S2P Billing ensures accurate and transparent cost tracking and fosters accountability.

Departments gain visibility into expenditures, enabling informed decisions and cost optimization.

The traditional route has been to import costs from an ERP system and then have a team of smart people reverse-engineer the assignment of those costs to consumers.   This is like sending a group of people to a buffet and then trying to figure out what they consumed as they leave the restaurant.  

Doesn’t that seem backward?   That’s because it is.  

Now consider a more structured way: hand them a menu with prices and let them buy whatever they want – with the written understanding that they’ll pay those prices after getting whatever they ordered.   That’s what Source-to-Pay can do for you; by connecting Source-to-Pay financials with Service Management and Asset Management, you’ll have a defensible IT Billing process. 
The best part?  If ODS implements your Source-to-Pay solution, 90% of it is already pre-built.   

Key Benefits

Enhanced Accountability and Transparency

Automated cost allocation ensures accurate tracking of resource usage, making departments accountable for their expenditures and promoting responsible consumption.

Cost Optimization

Detailed visibility into IT spending allows departments to understand their usage patterns, make informed decisions, and optimize resource utilization, leading to significant cost savings.

Efficiency and Compliance

Centralized data and automated workflows reduce manual effort, minimize errors, and streamline compliance, enhancing overall operational efficiency and simplifying financial management.

IT Billing with ServiceNow
Source to Pay

Key Features

Pre-Allocated Costs

By collecting consumer information before items are acquired, costs can be allocated to departments or business units - not based on usage - but by a pre-authorized agreement - ensuring precise and consistent tracking of expenses.

Centralized Data Management

Consolidates all relevant billing and chargeback information into a unified platform, providing comprehensive visibility and easy access for audit and reporting purposes.

Real-time Reporting and Analytics

Offers real-time insights into future costs, enabling departments to monitor their past, present and future spend so THEY can analyze trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Case Study:

University Saves $1.2M Annually by Leveraging ServiceNow for IT Billing

An Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) University faced significant challenges in managing its IT Billing processes. The university relied on a labor-intensive and error-prone manual system, which included the use of SharePoint and spreadsheets for tracking inventory and creating IT invoices. Additionally, the university encountered difficulties in obtaining, cataloging, and demonstrating approvals from diverse consumer groups, who utilized various methods such as DocuSign, faxes, and emails for approvals. Finance further added complexity by requiring approved documents to be attached to each journal entry.

The Challenge

  1. Manual Tracking: The university grappled with the manual tracking of inventory and invoices, resulting in time-consuming and error-prone processes.
  2. Approval Variability: Obtaining, cataloging, and demonstrating approvals from different consumer groups posed a significant challenge, especially when multiple approval methods were accepted.
  3. Compliance Pressure: Finance’s insistence on attaching approved documents to journal entries added compliance pressure and complexity to the process.


The school embarked on a mission to transform its IT Billing processes with the following objectives:

  • Process Simplification: Simplify and streamline the billing workflow to reduce manual effort and errors.
  • Consolidation: Consolidate billing procedures across all IT Towers to achieve operational efficiency and consistency.
  • Scalability: Establish a scalable process for requesting and tracking approvals to accommodate growing demands.
  • Automation: Automate approval tracking, including reminders until completion, to enhance efficiency and reduce bottlenecks.
  • Eliminate Manual Entries: Eliminate the manual creation of journal entries to improve accuracy and efficiency.
  • Centralization: Centralize all relevant information, including verified approvals, within a unified system for transparency and auditability.

The Solution

In collaboration, the university implemented a comprehensive solution leveraging ServiceNow’s best practices for a Common Service Data Model (CSDM). Key components of the solution included:

  • Real-time Inventory Tracking: Manual inventory spreadsheets were replaced with real-time data from the ServiceNow Configuration Management Database (CMDB), ensuring up-to-date information for journal entries.
  • Automated Approval Workflow: Invoice approval requests were generated, tracked, and completed within the ServiceNow platform, streamlining the approval process.
  • Finance’s Support: The Finance team was impressed with the implemented solution and not only urged IT to migrate all processes to ServiceNow but also provided incremental funding to accelerate the transition.

The Outcome

The transformation of their IT Billing processes yielded significant and tangible results:

  • Operational Efficiency: Processes that once required the equivalent of two full-time employees could now be completed in a matter of hours, greatly increasing efficiency.
  • Cost Savings: The elimination of DocuSign licensing costs resulted in substantial savings, contributing to the university’s financial sustainability.
  • Seamless Integration: Hundreds of journal entries are now seamlessly transferred from ServiceNow into the ERP, ensuring accuracy and reducing manual effort.
  • Automation Benefits: Tasks that previously took days, such as approval tracking and journal entry creation, are now automated, reducing errors and delays.
  • Simplified Audits: The audit processing has been significantly streamlined, enhancing overall compliance and reducing the burden on IT and Finance teams.
  • Enhanced User Experience: The experience for IT, consumers, and Finance teams has greatly improved, resulting in higher satisfaction levels.
  • Strategic Impact: The perception of ServiceNow has shifted to a more strategic and valuable asset across the entire organization.


The transformation of their billing processes in ServiceNow was a remarkable success story. By addressing the challenges of manual processes, lack of transparency, and compliance complexities, they achieved a more efficient, faster, and cost-effective system. The substantial cost savings from the elimination of DocuSign licensing costs underscore the financial benefits of the implemented solution. Moreover, the enhanced user experience and improved perception of ServiceNow as a strategic asset signify the broader positive impact of this transformation initiative. This ACC university is now better equipped to meet the demands of a modern IT environment while maintaining fiscal responsibility and operational excellence.


Our approach ensures you achieve optimal efficiency, cost savings, and strategic control.

Step 1: Assessment and Setup
Step 2: Implementation
Step 3: Knowledge Transfer
Step 4: Co-Pilot Your Success